Satellite Accumulation Area (SAA)


A satellite accumulation area (SAA) is a designated area within the laboratory or shop, which will store hazardous waste until it is sent out for processing.  The SAA must be at or near the point of generation. Waste within the SAA must be capped, labeled, and under the control of the generator. General access to your waste must be restricted: this means waste cannot be stored in public areas such as hallways, walkways or common areas.

Temple University uses SAA’s to manage waste in laboratories and shops because it provides a safe and effective means to accumulate hazardous waste before removal to the University’s Central Accumulation Area’s (CAA). Additionally, SAA’s are the least restrictive regulatory option for accumulation and storage of waste at or near the point of generation.

SAA Requirements

  • Location must be at or near the point of generation

Establish an area to accumulate hazardous waste.  This area can be a bench top or a previously empty cabinet. The SAA must be at or near the point of generation and under the control of the operator generating the waste.  Waste must not be transported outside the lab/shop area to a remote collection area. A chemical waste handout poster must be posted at each designated SAA.

  • Regulations applicable to SAA:

Hazardous waste management at the University is regulated by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) and by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). State and federal regulations mandate the following regarding chemical waste:

  • Waste in SAA’s must be kept in containers.
  • Containers must be in good condition.
  • Containers must be labeled or clearly marked with the words “HAZARDOUS WASTE” and with the contents of the container from the start of accumulation.
  • Containers must be compatible with the waste and suitable for transportation.
  • Containers must be properly capped at all times except when adding to or pouring off waste material.
  • Handle containers to avoid rupture or leakage.
  • Liquid waste must be stored inside secondary containment.
  • SAA’s must never exceed 55 gallons of chemical waste or one quart of acutely toxic chemical waste (P-listed). Refer to Hazardous Chemical Waste Defined for information on acutely toxic hazardous waste (P-listed). Common examples of P-listed waste are sodium azide, osmium tetroxide and sodium cyanide.
  • All spills and leaks must be cleaned –up immediately.
  • Proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must be worn at all times when handling chemical waste and/or working in a lab/shop. Minimum PPE includes a lab coat, safety glasses and appropriate gloves.
  • Make a good faith effort to minimize waste
  • Segregation by chemical compatibility:

Collect waste streams in separate containers.  Acids, basis, heavy metals, carcinogens, oxidizers, cyanides, sulfides, pesticides, halogenated organic solvents, non –halogenated organic solvents and especially mercury materials should be separated. Mixing chemical waste streams negatively impacts environmentally sound disposal options and greatly increases disposal costs. 

  • Submit frequent pick up requests. This will reduce the amount of waste in your area and provide a safer work environment


  • Designate a trained person to be directly responsible for the SAA.

The Principal Investigator (PI) or supervisor of the lab/shop must designate at least one member of their group to be responsible for hazardous waste management.  This person must ensure that all personnel follow the procedures described in this guide and know the exact location of the SAA and the waste it contains.

Related Information

E-mail EHRS

Phone: 2-2520 or 215-707-2520 (off campus)